
3 thoughts on “B.K Board Mills – 8483/2024

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  2. Promoting via social networks is becoming a crucial component of every marketing plan.
    In the modern internet era, it’s impossible to ignore the influence of networks
    such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. These platforms offer
    remarkable opportunities to connect to millions of users worldwide.

    1. Establishing a Strong Presence

    To master social media marketing, businesses need to
    initially build a strong profile on their chosen platforms.
    This involves designing visually appealing accounts that highlight the company’s values and goals.

    Consistent branding, including icons, color palettes, and tone,
    is essential. It ensures in establishing recognition and trust among followers.

    2. Engaging Content Creation

    Developing valuable posts is the core of social media marketing.
    The content must be pertinent to the audience’s interests and provide benefit.

    This can include how-to guides, humorous clips, and eye-catching images.
    Regular posting ensures the audience engaged and drives participation.

    3. Leveraging Influencers

    Influencer marketing has gained notable traction in recent years.
    Influencers enjoy engaged audiences that rely on their recommendations.

    Through collaboration with relevant influencers, businesses can tap into
    new followers and boost their reputation.

    It’s essential to choose influencers who match the company’s mission and
    target audience.

    4. Utilizing Analytics

    Online sites offer a abundance of data that can be
    utilized to improve marketing strategies.

    Examining interaction metrics, number of views, and sales data allows organizations to comprehend what
    is effective and what isn’t.

    This data can inform future content creation, guaranteeing actions are strategically aligned and effective.

    5. Utilizing Paid Promotions

    Despite free engagement is beneficial, investing in paid ads can significantly enhance visibility on social media.

    Networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer numerous promotional opportunities to
    suit different budgets and objectives.

    Such advertisements may aim based on user interests, places, and user behavior, making sure they impact the ideal

    6. Engaging with the Audience

    Interaction is crucial to building a dedicated following on social media.
    Responding to comments, acknowledging shares, and engaging in discussions
    aids establish solid connections with audience members.

    This adds a personal touch to the brand and promotes a
    sense of belonging, leading to increased retention.


    Social media marketing is an ongoing journey that requires consistency, originality, and strategic planning.
    By emphasizing establishing a strong presence, creating high-quality material,
    leveraging influencers, utilizing analytics, investing in paid ads, and engaging with the audience,
    companies can attain remarkable success in the
    challenging world of social media marketing.

  3. Witam drodzy czytelnicy!

    Zamierzam podzielić się z Wami kilkoma myślami na temat zdrowego
    odżywiania. Jestem świadom, że dla wielu z nas pojęcie “dieta” kojarzy
    się z czymś strasznym, pełnym trudności i niesmacznych dań.
    Ale macie świadomość? To wcale nie musi tak wyglądać!

    Najważniejsze, dobrze zbilansowana dieta to nie tylko kwestia tego, co
    jemy, ale też jakie mamy samopoczucie po posiłku.
    Czy wiesz, że zdrowe odżywianie może wpływać na nasz nastrój, dodać energii i nawet poprawić nasze samopoczucie?
    Brzmi wspaniale?

    W tym przypadku chciałbym wspomnieć o serwisie, którego
    autorką jest Katarzyna Wiśniewska. Jeśli nie znacie tego bloga, to
    koniecznie musicie to nadrobić! Katarzyna jest specjalistką od zdrowego jedzenia i udostępnia ją
    w bardzo przystępny sposób. Co więcej, jej pomysły na
    jedzenie są nie tylko dobre dla zdrowia, ale też smaczne!

    Zacznijmy od tego, dlaczego warto zwrócić uwagę na to, co
    jemy. Nasze układy to jak samochody – muszą być dobrze zasilane,
    żeby pracować na najwyższych obrotach. I tutaj Kasia przychodzi nam z pomocą.

    Na jest mnóstwo pomysłów na zdrowe potrawy, które
    zadowolą nawet najbardziej wybrednych smakoszy.

    Nie trzeba być mistrzem kuchni, żeby jeść zdrowo.

    Wiele przepisów Kasi jest prostych i szybkich do przygotowania.
    Idealne na nasze zajęte dni, kiedy nie mamy czasu na stanie przy garach.
    Na blogu jest mnóstwo pomysłów na śniadania, obiady, kolacje i
    przekąski – wszystkie zdrowe i pełnowartościowe.

    A co najfajniejsze, każda z tych przepisów jest tak smaczna,
    że nawet dzieci będą zachwycone!

    Wielu z nas myśli, że zdrowe jedzenie jest drogie. Ale to
    nie jest prawda! Kasia udowadnia, że zdrowa dieta może być tania.
    Jej receptury często opierają się na tanich i łatwo dostępnych składnikach.
    Wystarczy trochę planowania, można jeść zdrowo i nie wydawać dużo.

    No dobrze, a co z dieta? Na znajdziecie również wiele wskazówek dotyczących innych diet, które mogą pomóc
    Wam w zdrowiu. Niezależnie od tego, czy chcecie schudnąć, mieć więcej
    sił, czy po prostu poprawić samopoczucie, Kasia ma coś dla Was.
    I to wszystko podane w bardzo przystępnej formie, bez skomplikowanego żargonu dietetycznego.

    Jedną z najlepszych cech serwisu jest
    to, że Kasia podchodzi do zdrowego odżywiania z uśmiechem
    i pozytywną energią. To nie jest nudne i moralizatorskie podejście o tym, czego powinniśmy unikać.
    Zamiast tego, Kasia pokazuje, jak cieszyć się jedzeniem,
    jednocześnie dbając o zdrowie. To podejście jest dla mnie przekonujące i sprawia, że chce się wracać po więcej inspiracji.

    Kończąc, jeśli chcecie zadbać o zdrowie, energię i zdrowie, zajrzyjcie na bloga
    Kasia Wiśniewska to specjalistka w dziedzinie zdrowego odżywiania, a jej propozycje
    i rady na pewno przypadną Wam do gustu. Gotowanie
    może być łatwe, przyjemne i zdrowe – a Kasia Wam to udowodni!

    Bądźcie zdrowi i jedzcie smacznie

    P.S. Jeśli znacie pyszne zdrowe przepisy, podzielcie się nimi tutaj.
    Możemy razem inspirować się wzajemnie i
    radośnie jeść zdrowo!

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Razib Ahmed Profile Details:

Razib Ahmed has been working at WASO Credit Rating Company (BD) Ltd. as Chief Rating Officer since January 2024. Prior to joining WCRCL, he worked with Credit Rating Information and Services Ltd. (CRISL) as Vice President and Chairman of the Internal Review Committee. He joined CRISL in January 2022. He started his career in the credit rating industry in 2006 as a financial analyst at Credit Rating Agency of Bangladesh Limited (CRAB) and served for more than 15 years in different positions at this organization, including Head of Business Development Division, Unit Head of Rating Division, etc.

Mr. Ahmed has an MBA from Dhaka University in Finance and Banking. In CRISL and CRAB, he has performed several rating assignments including ratings of financial institutions (banks, NBFIs, General Insurance), large corporate, projects, structured instruments, and financial forecasting and modeling of various industries. He was also responsible for ensuring the analytical quality and due diligence aspects of four teams under the Rating Unit of CRAB. He was also actively engaged in methodology development for assessing credit worthiness and credit rating for urban local bodies (ULBs) in Bangladesh. At present, he is a member of the ‘Technical Committee’ formed by Bangladesh Bank to develop uniform rating methodologies and score models for credit rating agencies.

Mr. Ahmed received training on ‘Best Practices in Rating’ and ‘Rating of Bond Market Mutual Funds’ arranged by Asian Development Bank (ADB), and the Association for Credit Rating Agencies in Asia (ACRAA), held in Manila, Philippines; training on ‘Indicators for Effective Macroeconomic Risk Analysis’ arranged by Malaysian Rating Corporation (MARC), and the Association for Credit Rating Agencies in Asia (ACRAA), held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; and participated in various training programs and workshops arranged by CRAB, CRISL, MCCI, DCCI, BEI, etc.

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Md. Al Amin Jewel Profile Details:

Md. Al Amin Jewel has been working at WCRCL as Assistant Vice President (AVP) of WASO Credit Rating Company (BD) Limited and as Deputy In-Charge of Credit Rating Division (CRD) since 2012. Prior to joining WCRCL, Mr. Jewel worked at the Trauma Center and Orthopedic Hospital in Shaymoil, Dhaka, as an internal auditor since 2009.


Mr. Jewel has an MBA from Bangladesh Open University (BOU) with a major in Finance and Banking, and a Masters of Business Studies (MBS) with a concentration in Accounting from National University. In addition, Mr. Jewel is an articleship student at the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB) and has completed business level. In WCRCL, he completed many rating assignments, including ratings of financial institutions (NBFIs and general insurance), large corporations, SME projects, instruments, and various industries.


Mr. Jewel received training on ‘Credit Risk Management’ (Credit Risk Analysis, Financial Risk, Operational Risk, and Cash Flow Analysis) conducted by Financial Excellence Limited and participated in various training programs and workshops arranged by WCRCL.

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Monira Islam Profile Details:

Monira Islam has been working at WASO Credit Rating Company Limited as a senior financial analyst since 2018 and as a team leader since 2023. Before joining WASO, she worked with Credit Rating Information and Services Ltd. (CRISL) as a research officer since 2010.


Ms. Monira has an MBA from Daffodil International University in Finance. In WASO and CRISL, she is a dedicated and detail-oriented financial analyst with 12 years of experience. In this time, she completed many rating assignments, including ratings of general insurance, MFIs, power plants, large corporations, projects of various industries, and SME clients. As a senior financial analyst, she performs quantitative and statistical analysis, accounting, and decision-making with strong analytical skills. She also assists in training and, as needed, supervises her team members. Experienced in client relations, effective communication, report generation, process development, and documentation.

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Maharan Nasrin Profile Details:

Maharan Nasrin has been working at WCRCL as a senior financial analyst for WASO Credit Rating Company (BD.) Limited and as a team leader, since 2014. Maharan Nasrin has an MBA from Eastern University in Finance. In WCRCL, she completed many rating assignments, including ratings of large and medium corporations, projects, and SMEs. Besides, assessing, analyzing, and interpreting complicated business and financial information from different SMEs and corporations throughout her stint as an analyst, Ms. Nasrin gathered knowledge and learned different characteristics of numerous industries, such as textiles (RMG, RMG accessories, etc.), trading, rice mills, and others.


Ms. Nasrin has participated in all the in-house training and workshops. Before starting a career in the credit rating industry in Bangladesh, Maharan Nasrin worked with Jamuna Bank Limited.

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Ummay Fatema Profile Details:

Ummay Fatema has been working at WCRCL as a senior financial analyst and team leader since 2015. She has an MBA from Rajshahi University in finance and banking. In WCRCL, she completed many rating assignments, including ratings of large corporations, projects, and many other business entities. Her key responsibilities include reviewing and conducting critical examinations of credit rating applications, managing all kinds of risks and regulatory compliance, supervising and assisting team members to meet time-bound action plans, nurturing new members of the team, maintaining liaison at a regular interval across various clients, bankers, and auditors for gathering and updating business information, etc.

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Md. Rafiul Bary Profile Details:

Md. Rafiul Bary has been working at WCRCL as a senior financial analyst for WASO Credit Rating Company (BD) Limited since 2015 and is currently working as a team leader. Before starting his career in the credit rating industry in Bangladesh, Mr. Rafi also worked with Invesco Global.

Mr. Rafi has an MBA from the Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT) in Finance and Banking. In WCRCL, he completed many rating assignments, including ratings of large corporations, projects, and more than thousands of SME clients with diversified industries and modeling of various industries. He also worked for ensuring analytical quality and due diligence aspects of rating and actively engaged in industry paper writing.

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Md. Firoz Hossain Profile Details:

Md. Firoz Hossain has been working as a compliance officer for WASO Credit Rating Company (BD) Limited since 2020. Before joining this company, Mr. Firoz worked at BRB Hospitals Limited as the In-Charge of the Billing Section, and he also worked at WASO Credit Rating Company (BD) Limited as the Executive of the Business Development Department.

Mr. Firoz completed his graduation and post-graduation in economics from Dhaka College under the National University.

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