About WASO Ratings
WASO Credit Rating Company (BD) Ltd. (“WCRCL”) was incorporated as a public limited company under the Office of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms in July of 2009. With the license from the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) of Bangladesh to operate as a credit rating company, WCRCL has officially started its journey on 15th February, 2012. It has also been recognized as an External Credit Assessment Institution (ECAI) by Central Bank of Bangladesh in October of 2012. WCRCL is independent and transparent in its operations and eligible to rate Banks and FIs, PSEs, Insurance, Corporate and Debt Instruments. The WCRCL team is formed with experienced professionals and specialists from different disciplines with the highest levels of ethics and integrity.
WASO Credit Rating Company (BD) Ltd. has executed an agreement for foreign partnership with Financial Intelligence Services Ltd (FISL). Through this partnership with FISL, WCRCL has created bondage with the global resources hub, thus being able to provide the best judged opinion through rating services to the nation.
Financial Intelligence Services Ltd (FISL) is a Hong Kong based rating wing of World Vest Base (WVB), USA. FISL also operates as a holding company with offices in 16 countries.
Since its inception in 1985 in Chicago, USA, World Vest Base (WVB) has become the world’s leading global provider of financial fundamentals serving the research and analytic needs of thousands of top companies in the financial services, media and corporate markets. The WVB global database is the financial industry’s premier source of detailed and transparent financial statement data on public companies.
The database universe spans over 50,000 public companies encompassing130 countries from Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, Latin America and North America. Additionally, WVB provides databases with Insider & Major Shareholders Transactions, specialized End-of-Day pricing for emerging markets, worldwide credit risk and business risk scoring.